Saturday, December 29, 2012

It's the's all about the journey

An excerpt from The Bhagavad Gita
Krishna's advice on action
"Death is certain for anyone born,and birth is certain for the dead;since the cycle is inevitable,you have no cause to grieve!
...Look to your own duty,do not tremble before it:nothing is better for a warriorthan a battle of sacred duty.
...If you are killed, you win heaven;if you triumph, you enjoy the earth;therefore, Arjuna, stand upand resolve to fight the battle.
Impartial to joy and suffering,gain and loss, victory and defeat,arm yourself for the battle,lest you fall into evil.
...Be intent on action,not on the fruits of action;avoid attraction to the fruitsand attachment to inaction!
Perform actions, firm in discipline,relinquishing attachment;be impartial to failure and success--this equanimity is called discipline."

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